Hello Folks – Dick Dixon and Reine Mazoyer here – author and illustrator of some new books of humorous poetry that we hope may interest you.
If the names Spike Milligan, Roald Dahl, Mervyn Peake, Ogden Nash and many other similar persons spring easily to mind, then you should be able to find a happy resting place with some of our books too; at least, that is the hope. Of course an everyday sort of chap such as I am can't hope to emulate the poetry of these past masters, but as Chairman Mao reminded us: 'Every journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step'. Having uttered his own claim to fame, Mao might have done well to retire from the scene and write his own humorous poetry, but alas, it was not to be. We are still trudging along though – 728593 steps so far, and one day may get to the destination, wherever that may be, but hey, is the journey not better than the arrival?
So far we have four books published, which are 'Rhymes for no Reason'(2015), 'Rhymes of the Newfangled Mariner'(2017), 'The Curse of the Square Crow'(2020), and 'In Bed with the Cats' Pyjamas'(2022). I have written a fifth book, entitled 'Tricked by the Kippers' Knickers', as you do, but it is not quite ready for publication yet. I am also working on a sixth book, as yet untitled.

Before saying another word (damn – too late!), I want to mention that these books are all brilliantly illustrated by my great friend, the French artist Reine Mazoyer.
Through thick and thin, fighting hell and high water, this brave lady has been able to produce a magical drawing in full colour in response to each of my poetic offerings. One thinks of 'stone, scissors, paper' of course, and I have no doubt that she has won the game every time, as I shall be able to show you soon.
Next time I thought it would be interesting to take a look 'behind the scenes' at one of the most enduring characters in the books – to see what makes her really tick. That is my cousin Prue. I have changed her name to protect the innocent, (as they used to say in those US cop movies), if there are any that is. She will be breathing a massive sigh of relief, believe me!